Unsupervised Learning

Ep 15: Snorkel AI CEO Alex Ratner on What's Needed for Wider-Spread Enterprise AI Adoption

Episode Summary

Jacob sits down with Alex to discuss how Snorkel grew from an open-source project in a Stanford AI lab to a $1B company. Alex shares his thoughts on why data development is at the heart of AI development, why enterprises are slow to deploy LLM applications, and the importance of academia in the future of AI development.

Episode Notes

Jacob sits down with Alex to discuss how Snorkel grew from an open-source project in a Stanford AI lab to a $1B company. Alex shares his thoughts on why data development is at the heart of AI development, why enterprises are slow to deploy LLM applications, and the importance of academia in the future of AI development. 


00:00 intro 

01:03 moving from academia to Snorkel 

05:08 the evolution of Snorkel 

18:33 improving pre-training 

21:37 avoiding hallucinations and other errors 

33:00 barriers to enterprises deploying AI 

36:59 the Snorkel footprint of the future 

39:37 the role of academia in AI development 

42:57 over-hyped/under-hyped 

44:50 how should AI regulation change going forward? 


With your co-hosts: 


- Former CTO GitHub, VP Eng Heroku & Canonical 


- Former COO Github, Founder Bitnami (acq’d by VMWare) 


- Partner at Redpoint, Former ML Engineer LinkedIn 


- Partner at Redpoint, Former PM Flatiron Health 


- Partner at Redpoint